Dhootapapeshwar Heeraka Bhasma
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Dhootapapeshwar Heeraka Bhasma
Information About Dhootapapeshwar Heeraka Bhasma
Dhootapapeshwar Heeraka Bhasma is a premium Ayurvedic supplement made from the purified ash of diamonds, known as Heeraka known for its extraordinary rejuvenating and strengthening properties. Diamond dust is traditionally used to enhance vitality, improve immunity, and support overall health. It can make body organs as strong & powerful as `Vajra’. It is most potent in Hrudya, Balya, Medhya, Vrushya & Jaranashak. Heerak Bhasma maintains proper blood circulation by removing obstruction within the coronary arteries. It is also effective in toning the heart muscles by reducing Dhatushaithilya & promoting Strength, Stamina, and Vitality.
Dhootpapeshwar Heeraka Bhasma is prepared following ancient Ayurvedic texts, ensuring the highest standards of purity and efficacy. It is a highly esteemed Ayurvedic remedy that increases strength and vitality. This formulation is recommended for those seeking to address deep-seated health issues, enhance physical strength, and maintain optimal well-being.
Indications: Dhootapapeshwar Heeraka Bhasma is indicated for Hrudroga, Hrudshoola, Sthoulya, Shotha, Rajayakshma, Prameha, Pandu, Bhrama, Napunsakata, Karkatarbuda, and Netraroga.
Key Ingredients
Dhootapapeshwar Heeraka Bhasma is composed of:
Heeraka (Diamond Ash): The primary ingredient, Heeraka Bhasma (diamond dust), is processed and purified through traditional Ayurvedic methods.
Sunthi Kwath
Kumari Swarasa
Gulab Jal
Dhootapapeshwar Heeraka Bhasma has many health benefits including:
It can restore energy levels, combat fatigue, and enhance overall physical strength.
Heeraka Bhasma can make body organs as strong as a Vajra (thunderbolt). It is believed to enhance the overall strength and vitality of the body.
It has Hrudya properties- it supports heart health and cardiovascular function.
Heeraka Bhasma has Medhya properties, to support cognitive function and overall neurological health.
It has Jaranashak properties to aid in improving digestion and promoting a healthy digestive system.
Dhootapapeshwar Heeraka Bhasma can help manage a healthy weight.
Adults: Typically, 15 to 30 mg once or twice a day, mixed with honey, ghee, or as directed by a healthcare professional.
Presentation: Dhootapeshwar Heeraka Bhasma is available in fine powder form, packaged in a secure, tamper-proof container to preserve its quality and potency.
Contraindications: Dhootapeshwar Heeraka Bhasma is generally safe when used as directed. If you have specific medical conditions, allergies, or pregnancy, consult a physician before using this product.